Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Year

Every year, the 4th of July feels like the beginning of a new year.  Summer is in full swing; vacation trips are beginning and ending and it is a good time for reflection.

Our vacation trip just ended.  We have a few other family events this summer before school begins again.  Also, every July, excitement begins to build for the college football season.  By the time August rolls around, the excitement grows more and then in no time, the season begins.  Baseball playoffs begin; basketball begins again, then you have the four big holidays.  In my opinion, the year begins July 1.  From July 1 to January 1, the weeks and months are packed full of wonderful things.

With that in mind, I begin a new year of sorts.  I joined the gym yesterday and started working out today.  I recommitted to myself to get into better shape.  I can't just rely on trying to minimize calories.  I've found that strategy doesn't work well.  The walking is great, but it doesn't burn enough calories.  I need to beef up the muscles and burn more calories.

So my plan, at least for the next few months, is this:
4:50am - get up, drive to gym
5:15-6:15am - work out (M/W/F cardio days (W=basketball); Tu/Th/Sa weights)
6:15-6:30am - shower
6:30-7:30am - commute to work
4:30-5:30pm - commute home
5:30-6:30pm - M take dog on walk, Tu/Th take boys to gym to play basketball or shoot around, W rest, F open.
6:30-10:00pm - M family time, Tu/Th dinner, chess club on line, W Boy Scouts, F open/date night

I plan on using my fitness pal again - to track what I'm eating as well as posting my exercises and weigh-ins.

My goal is to get to 180 ... to be a "fit" 180.

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